How To Get A Free Education Online. | My Two Dollars

How To Get A Free Education Online. | My Two Dollars

My Two dollars (A fellow blog) has some great tips on getting Free educational material. Including MIT & University of Berkley.

For those of you who might be worried about H1N1 flu, or even the regular flu. There is now this lovely site that gives you all sorts of wonderful information. Including an online quiz to see if you have H1N1. Though it is a very short quiz. It is also in favor of the Vaccine. (I have a complete fear of needles, so I try to avoid them at all costs.) But it does have further information on the differences between the two types of flu that are going around lately.

If It Prints, I’ll Let You Know – Printer & Ink Cartridges Blog – Save Money With Online Printer Cartridge Coupons

If It Prints, I’ll Let You Know – Printer & Ink Cartridges Blog – Save Money With Online Printer Cartridge Coupons

Most people get their printer cartridges from stores, office stores, chain stores such as target, or even your local drugstores have them these days, one way to save money is to check online.  This blog talks about how you can save 30%-50% on the cost of Ink Cartridges from sites online. Personally I get mine from  My printer takes 6 different individual cartridges, and last time I had to get them they were $14.95 for all 6. They start at about $10.00 a piece in the stores, even in stores that specialize in Printer Supplies.

Some people say that you can save money by refilling cartridges. In my experience, they don't last as long when being refilled. (I work for a place that refills them too)  But even that isn't as cheap as getting them online.